I haven't done a craft fair for a couple of years now, for one reason or another - general 'life' stuff getting in the way again! Hence I'm being a bit of a control freak with this one on Saturday, and I'm having to do a dummy-run of my display, probably a couple of times before I get it right and, of course, the horrible job of pricing everything which I have to do today : /
I couldn't resist adding a few new designs at the beginning of the week, and made some crochet square pincushions (backed in co-ordinated tweed of course!) - I think they add a nice dash of colour, you can't beat a 'granny' or two, I'm becoming a serious crochet-bore, hehe! Here's a little run-down and sneaky preview of the stall.
The new pincushions (and tweedie-mug warmers - not sure that folk will 'get' these!!) . . .
My 'tweedie' fish and tweedie' matryoshkas,and some bookmarks . . .

wee croft house brooches and tweedie cuff-bands, all a bit higgledy-piggledy still . . .

I finally made some garlands with the tweedie-fish, stars and hearts I'd made last Summer . . .

. . . and yes, that's my red tweed bunting - I thought it might brighten up my stall, and it was the perfect length too! More garlands (stars) . . .

And the overall picture (some tidying required!) . . .

It'll look more organised on the day (she says hopefully!). I'm off to do the finishing touches and get that pesky-pricing done now.
I'll be on my ownsome on Saturday as I'll be leaving the boys asleep in their beds (lucky things, hehe!) and Other Half will be dropping me off on his way to work - so it works out quite well and no-one is really put out by my traipsing off to the fair. I'll just put my feet up and maybe take Kirsty Allsopps crafty book with me for company, a few snacks, and we'll see how it goes! I'll be back on Sunday or Monday with a full report, and some pics I hope - wish me luck, I'll probably need it, yikes! Here's a link to the craft-fair website. See you soon - byeee :)
Alison x
Oooops, almost forgot to link up with my crafty-buddies over here - lots to see as usual! :)