Wednesday 14 August 2024

Back to Blogland :)

Tools of the trade - adding brass eyelets to my gift tags :)

I'm not sure if people blog in the same way as they used to?  There's so many social media platforms to choose from, but personally I think I still enjoy this little space to air my thoughts (tweed ones or otherwise!)

I've recently left my admin job of many years and hope to pick up on my little crafty business 'Handmade on the Croft'.  It became increasingly difficult to juggle it among other things going on, but I always hoped to revisit it, so here I am :)

This week is the first one where I'm actively taking steps to prepare myself for adding products to my Esty shop.  Checking my packaging supplies, taking a few deep breaths! - it's been quite a while since I've done this!

Yesterday I made a few little tweed gift labels in preparation to add to any prospective online sales - I can only hope! ;) 

OK - I'd better 'fess up!  I only made 3 of them yesterday as I was trying to get to grips with a new sewing machine (exciting!) but they're fun to make.  I used to use fabric glue to assemble them but machine sewing seems the better way to go.

I'll keep this post short, it's just a little introductory one - so many 'makes' to share, but I'll do that in 'dribs and drabs', and perhaps as I add (hopefully) products to my Etsy shop.

One last thing to share though!  I purchased a couple of great craft books while on holiday in Glasgow.  We had a week at home afterwards (pretty awful weather here in the Isle of Lewis that week).  Towards the end of the week I decided to have a go at one of the knitted birds in Sue Stratfords's Knitted Aviary (one of my book purchases).  It was great fun to make:

Really well written pattern.  I used some 4 ply yarn, (of which I have plenty from sock knitting projects)  doubled up for most of the bird, and the blue yarn was just some DK acrylic yarn from my stash.  I think the author used tapestry yarn (DK weight) but I think any DK yarn would do.  Next time I have a staycation I'll try another bird - the robin looks nice, or the sparrow, or the capercaille even!  Great fun :)

Until later,

Cheerio an drasda :)

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