The 'bubble' on his tummy is just asking to be personalised, of course, which I love to do. Harris Tweed space-suits - what could be better. (I wonder if NASA would be interested???).
Bye for now!
The 'bubble' on his tummy is just asking to be personalised, of course, which I love to do. Harris Tweed space-suits - what could be better. (I wonder if NASA would be interested???).
Bye for now!
So just a quick re-cap: bobban socks, some peats, the Stornoway Gazette, Lewis Chessmen and a few sheep - my Hebridean compilation! Ha Ha! (It's actually a lot more interesting than that but I don't have the time to go into it all right now!).
Hope everyone has a fun-filled festive season and thanks to all the visitors to my blog these past few months. It's been great getting feedback on my crafty creations and sharing some new ideas along the way.
Back to some crafty musings after all the celebrations are over - I'm sure you'll be relieved to hear!Cheerio an Drasda!
Hopefully, I will do some more posts with local images of interest - it's a nice excuse for me to whip out my camera during the hols, if nothing else!!
Cheerio an Drasda!!
We had a two hour power cut shortly after I got back from work. It was quite nice though as we'd lit the open fire so we just got a few candles out and everyone just got on with doing stuff without electricity. My youngest seemed to find a new found passion for lego again, my oldest son picked up his guitar and strummed away and my husband got to listen to his music loudly (without any protests, for once!) and I got to read my magazine in peace and quiet with a candle. It was a pleasant change without the telly on and I have to say, I quite enjoyed it (telly addict that I am!!).
I thought it might be fun to do a few blog posts on 'living in the Hebrides' while I'm on my hols so keep a look out - I might actually get it together to do it, for once!!
Bye for Now - Christmas shopping awaits!!
Anyway, I've got so much Christmas stuff to do today that as soon as I got up this morning I gathered my tools and materials together in preparation for "one last bumblebee" - (there's a title of a book there somewhere I think!!).
Sorry for the poor quality photo - it's so dark here this morning. I quite like these little still-life compositions though when you get all the tools of your trade together and arrange them in a nice little pile - it's sort of encouraging somehow! Especially when everything else in my house seems so chaotic!!
This is my "To Do" List for today:
The list trails off in a tidy up frenzy!! Better go and .......
All the items on display were handmade in the college by the OFTTI project which helps people with special needs gain access to training and employment in the local community. The arts and crafts department make some beautiful Harris Tweed crafts, which really made me drool yesterday!
I bagged this beautiful hand embroidered Harris Tweed cushion and most fab of all this lovely embroidered needle case (which is definitey for me as I'm always losing needles and pins!). They remind me a bit of Kaffe Fassett's colour schemes which I love.
I also bagged these lovely handmade cards (my photograph doesn't do them justice) which will come in very handy to send to some special people!
It's not every day you can say you did your shopping at work! Aren't they lovely? I've been so busy finishing off orders recently that it was nice to buy something that someone else had handcrafted and I really appreciate the work that went into them!!
I hand embroidered the child's name on to the hand-knitted aran bonnet. There is a lot of work involved in these but I love the end result. It's a very leggy rag doll made to my own design - I really do make a rod for my own back sometimes!! Just as well I enjoy it!
P.S. I started 'twittering' last night - "Ha Ha!", I hear you cry - "thought you were doing that anyway!!". Well, probably, but 'twittering' is another social networking system which I thought I wouldn't take up but there you go. It's quite fun if you're working away on your own at home and ... SOB, SOB .... don't have many conversations!! (and are living in the Outer Hebrides!)
But apart from that it's a quick way of updating folk about what you're up to through the day - my comments may be full of mundane things like 'having a cup of tea now' or 'off to make the dinner' - so if you see anything like this in the sidebar of my blog, you'll know I'm just "twittering" - you can join in if you like!! I might occasionally have some interesting news too! Like an Etsy sale last night - Ha Ha!!
P.P.S. The 'gaol' lettering refers to the Gaelic word for 'love', not any reference to public prison!! - no, it's not some bizarre, welcoming present for prison inmates - how sweet if it was though - Oh Dear - I'm laughing so much now, I've got to go .....
I'm busy with orders this week which is great. This is my first Christmas with my online shops so it's been a fab (if sometimes slightly hectic) experience - big learning curve!! I think I've had a good balance of a reasonable amount of orders to keep me ticking over and to get a handle on the whole online experience. Maybe I'm just easily pleased but ..... I'm happy!!
(Oh! and "Big Grrrrrr!" has left the building - I hope he has a safe journey down South!!)
Busy with orders this weekend so I'd better get my head down - I'm trying not to let my new found fame go to my head - Ha Ha!!
Cheerio an Drasda!
In the afternoon we did a short workshop on puppet making with the children and I think they did pretty well in the short turnaround of an hour or so. Lots of glue and glitter ensued and they came up with some pretty colourful work! (Being the dork that I am, I forgot to take my camera to document their wonderful creations!!). They all managed to make a finished puppet which I think was pretty good going in the short time they had. Pheeeew!