I had an interesting experience last night which I thought I'd share . . . wait for it! After feeding the troops and doing all the usual parental bedtime routines (eg. chasing the youngest up to bed and trying to reinforce the idea that he's actually supposed to stay there!), I logged into 'Twitter' and was hence led by an Etsy announcement that there was to be a Virtual Lab on needlefelting starting at 10 pm.
Well, I don't usually take much notice of such announcements but intrigued I followed the link and found myself in a virtual auditorium, while a video played in real time of someone in Brooklyn giving a demonstration on how to 'needlefelt'. I hadn't a clue how to respond, interact or anything really but after a while I got the gist of it (sort of!). There were only about 7 other 'Etsyians' attending the workshop which was quite cosy actually! I didn't get round to chatting with anyone in the auditorium, but I was totally intrigued by this use of technology.
The idea of sitting in my living room in the Outer Hebrides and taking part in this virtual lab workshop in Brooklyn, New York gave me quite a laugh - but I really enjoyed the whole idea and would consider giving it another go. It was really interesting to see who else was attending and read their profiles and have a quick peek at their shops. Good fun!
From time to time, I get a bit downhearted about my Etsy shop, which I struggle to have time for, but then I come across something else on this amazing site which keeps clawing me back! By the way, I've got a
SALE of my Valentine hearts and 'heart teddies' in my Etsy shop if you're interested!
I'm going to get my head down this week and build up my stock. I listed my Harris Tweed soft dice on my
website at the weekend so may start to stock up on them in different colours of tweed for my virtual craft fairs and maybe even some 'real' craft fairs!

Bye from my 'Virtual' Hebridean world!!
(By the way I still don't know anything about 'needlefelting' but I'll go back another time to find out!)