Sunday, 10 July 2011

A Grand Day Out!

Now that summer-time is here in the Hebrides, there's an endless supply of local Agricultural shows, Gala days, fetes, etc. I have to say that we don't always attend many, if any, of these events - it's one of these things, that if it's on your doorstep you don't always take much notice! This Saturday, however, we decided to take a jaunt up to the northern most tip of Lewis, to the village of Ness, to attend their local Gala Day. (Mostly because many of the employees at my Other Half's workplace come from this village and were involved in the organisation of the event themselves!).

So we headed off with 'Little S' in tow - who was rather reluctant about being bundled in the car for an hour's drive! As is quite normal in these parts, the weather which was a little cloudy in our area, turned beautifully sunny and warm as we approached the village of Ness.

As we arrived the beautifully dressed little Highland dancers were in full swing (isn't she sweet in her outfit?)

. . . the Sumo wrestlers were having a ball, in their inflatable suits, hehe!

'Little S' enjoyed a runaround in a mini-quad bike . . .

. . . and then enjoyed some private tuition in how to operate a digger . . .

We got a tour around the local Coastguard Rescue helicopter . . .

. . . and finished off the day with a runaround at the adventure playground on the machair, which is just beside the pitch where the Gala was being held . . .

I liked the funny wooden sculptures at the maze - aren't they cute? . . .

All in all, a fun day out!

Back with some more 'crafty' posts next week - Cheerio an Drasda:)


june at noon said...

Looks like great fun! Your outdoor scenery is always gorgeous, too.

Biba said...

Must've been great fun, my boy would have enjoyed all that heavy machinery as well!

Aileen Clarke Crafts said...

Fab day out Alison. I used to be able to do the sword dance. In fact, I have a medal for highland dancing! lol I wonder where my wee kilt went. Can't say we go to many of our local fete days either. I think one or two are a good day out. We used to go to Perth show sometimes but we always seem to miss the fife one.

Bron said...

Looks like a day that was just perfect for boys big and small.