Thursday, 29 April 2010

my creative space . . . is very quiet

My creative space is a very quiet one today - Thursdays quite often tend to be my 'catch-up' day, when I try and do the 'other stuff' which I haven't got round to through the week, as I've either been too busy crafting, or at my office job. My youngest had a sleep-over at his grandparents last night, so it is extra quiet this morning - how weird does that feel! I have to say that last night I really missed having him about - I hope he had fun though and I'll soon hear all about it when he returns shortly, they have to grown up, don't they!

Here's some lovely leather buttons I got in the post yesterday - they are new ones as I was too impatient to wait to come across any old, unwanted ones but I'd love to use vintage ones too as they have such a lovely history attached to them.

I just spotted this piece of tweed in my stash this morning, so thought it would make the perfect background to take a pic of my new buttons. The tweed has been stamped with the official Harris Tweed Authority trademark - quite a cute memento to have - I'll frame it or something some day!

Visit some busier 'creative spaces' here :)


Janet Metzger, Artist said...

Yes...frame it, I love the it a Royal air about it...;-)

yardage girl said...

Love the text on the tweed - definatley do something with that! Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts!

june at noon said...

Quiet can be good. Hope you enjoyed it!