Happy Sunday :)
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Small Things . . .
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Sounds Like Fun!
. . . a charity bike ride through London, the Tweed Run. "Up to 400 Harris Tweed-clad cyclists will be setting out from the fashion hub of London, Saville Row for a 14 mile bike ride through the capital in aid of Bikes4Africa".
I like the bit in the article where it says: ". . . we'll be stopping for a civilized tea break in the park halfway through" - very debonair, hehe!
What a great photo opportunity :) Just thought I'd share that with you!
Thursday, 28 January 2010
my creative space . . .
Way Hay! Kirsty is back :) I wasn't too sure if I'd get time to play along this year, but I guess I'm too darn nosey and just like seeing what everyone else is getting up to! Today is a bit of a crafty 'winding down' day as I've been doing a lot of intensive designing, creating and listing this week - pheeew, time to take a breath, I think!
So scribbling lists (last night) and cutting a few swatches of tweed for a possible custom order for tweed buttons (if they match the lovely knitted garment which the customer is making!) is as far as I'm getting today.
I really was busy at the beginning of the week, honest!! Pop over to Kirsty's for more creative peeps :)
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Mixing it all Up!
Not quite sure what happened to my stock-building plans this week! However, I've been playing around with these gadget pouches the last couple of days and added some as 'custom orders' to my own website. I'll probably re-list my gadget pouches as 'made to order' items on my Etsy site and work on some more one-off designs, like the one above, for immediate sale.
But right now, I'm off for a cuppa - it's freeeeeezing here today, brrrrrr! Bye for Now :)
P.S. The 'Oatcake fairy' is still out there - the plot thickens!Sunday, 24 January 2010
The Sun Shone . . .
Yesterday, the sun was shining and everything looked lovely and bright and shiny outside so I had to take a photograph to remind me how it can look in better weather! This is the view from the side of my home, looking out towards the moor. I think that's my father-in-law's sheep in the foreground!
The mystery of the 'Oatcakes' continues and I still haven't found out who the kind culprit was who left them on our doorstep the other day. It wasn't 'Auntie N' after all as she called round at the weekend with some of her own fabulous homebaking and I offered her one of the chocolates that she 'didn't give us' - which gave us a laugh. I'm sure we'll find out soon who the kind sole was.
I got a lovely reply to an e-mail I sent on Saturday regarding this year's craft fairs. The one I attended in November was run by a lovely and talented couple who kindly let me have a stall even though I hadn't been able to attend much throughout the year. The Town Hall where the fairs are held will most likely not be available this year (due to renovation work), but he assured me they would find some other venue and that I would be very welcome to attend.Pheeeew, what a relief - I was really pleased to be offered the chance of the odd stall here and there and it gives me the incentive to build up some stock, knowing I'll be able to display my wares at some point(s) in the year. Great to be able to communicate with a craft fair organiser like that and get such a swift and courteous reply - my faith in craft fairs has been restored, hooray! Even if massive sales aren't always guaranteed, it's nice to meet people and talk about what you are doing.
Sorry, overly long post - thinking aloud again! Have a lovely, relaxing Sunday :)
Thursday, 21 January 2010
My husband's lovely auntie left a little package on the doorstep yesterday, while I was at work. She didn't leave a note but when I realised that inside there was homemade otacakes, I knew it must have been from her - I recognise that baking anywhere! Delicious, melt in the mouth, crumbly, moist - sorry I've just eaten another one and there's only 3 left now!
I've been working with some linen fabric this week and experimenting with a little embroidery - this is the first of three pincushions I'm making. Really simple little projects, but they look quite effective. The tweed and the linen work quite well together, I thought. I just picked out some colours from the tweed plaid backing and used them in a simple freehand floral design.
Nice to make, so I'm off to embroider the other two. But I must phone lovely Auntie Nan first to say thank you!
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Fabrics of Inspiration
Trying to keep the 'Inspiration Tuesday' theme going here! . . .
Monday, 18 January 2010
Sunglasses Required!
Happy Monday :)
P.S. Now added to my Etsy shop here!
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Tags, Shop Updates, and a Gift!
I also did a bit of work on my own website which I'm trying to integrate with my Etsy shops. There's always the stumbling block of coaxing UK customers to purchase in Dollars - and I completely understand the reluctance to do so. I remember well seeing another local business which had a link to Etsy on their website and I was completely confused by it! So I am trying to explain to visitors to my website that besides being able to purchase 'made to order' items from the site, they can also purchase 'ready-made' items from my Etsy shops . . . but in Dollars! It's a tricky one, I'm not sure I've got it right!
Here's some of my tweedie tags added to Etsy:
. . . and just look at this little cutie brooch I received in the post last weekend from the lovely Mojca! She had a Giveaway just before Christmas which I'd completely forgotten about - it was beautifully packaged with lovely tartan 'beaded' ribbon. I'm sure she may have her own Etsy shop soon - going by what I've seen, I don't think she'd have any problems getting sales! She's a very crafty lady with a passion for 'tweed' :)
Happy Sunday All :)
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Family Portraits
'Little S' caught me by surprise last night and asked me to draw his portrait - just like that! I have drawn him before, but only one very quick portrait, but he obviously remembered this. OK, I said, it's not often someone offers to sit for me so I had a quick go - he didn't sit very still and was watching something on the TV at the time. Afterwards he said "now I'll do yours". So here are the two drawings side by side - quite a fun snapshot in time. He decided to add the wine bottle and glass afterwards - not sure what that says about me - Hic!
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Inspiration and stuff . . .
Working on a few 'tweedie' tags so far today, it's good to get the hammer out and bash a few brass eyelets - there's nothing like getting the tools out! I managed to get the right size eyelets over the Christmas break and purchased a few pre-cut felt shapes, so I'm all set to make a few of these in between other stuff. They're nice to pop into packages as a little 'freebie' or possibly make up a few as sets for sale in the shop. I've a few 'teddy' felt cutouts for tags which would look lovely on baby gifts as a little extra 'tweedie' cuteness.
Right, I'm off to do a bit of 'bish, bash, bosh' ie, hammering, in between some of the other more mundane daily tasks!
Cheerio an Drasda :)
Monday, 11 January 2010
Tartan Terrors
I thought they looked really 'fun' and vibrant in checks, reminiscent of the very first one I ever made. Hopefully I will be making some little teddy-tweedies in plaids too - I'm looking forward to experimenting. Better go and shift 'teenage son' out of his bed - no school for him today, more school closures here 'cos of icy pavements, etc. And I thought everything had got back to normal!
Happy Monday! :D
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Anyway, the boys are back in school today and I'm back to writing lists and ticking off boxes - it feels good!
P.S. I've even managed to add a few older items to my 'Sale' section - wow, such productivity! Also, after many months, two more 'Moon Monsters' have been listed in the 'fun' shop!
Oh, and while I'm on a roll, you can now have your 'tweedie-dinosaurs' personalised, at my own website - Pheeew, I think that's it for the moment!
Cheerio an Drasda and keep warm :)
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
New Girl in Town
Even more miraculously she has been added to my Etsy shop (Tweed Plush) and is available for sale. I hope this is a sign of more efficiency in listing items as soon as I make them! The shop has now been reactivated, with a few items of older stock on sale. My bag charm listings have been updated and are now 'made to order'. I'm trying to have as few 'custom made' items in my Etsy shops and concentrating on physical stock instead. Of course, there is a wide range of 'made to order' items available in my own website.
I left the edges of the shawl of the 'art doll' frayed as I didn't want a 'finished', tailored-looking doll, more of a tactile, textural piece, which is what I was aiming for. She is 40 cm long and feels lovely to hold - the cotton/linen fabric I used for the body has a nice 'slubby' texture and is a lovely putty-colour. More pics of her in the listing. I came across the fabric for the doll when I was getting together a small parcel of craft oddments for a friend (who passed on the fabulous Selvedge mags to me - Gee, I love that publication, so inspiring - Thanks Karin!).
Well, that's the first item to be added to my Etsy shops this year - here's to many more and lots of creativity to follow!
Cheerio an Drasda :)Sunday, 3 January 2010
A Year in Pictures . . .

This mosaic is a 'hotch potch' of some of my favourite pics/creations of 2009 (at least the ones I could find on Flickr!). A mixture of Harris Tweed, landscapes, embroidery, softies . . . oh, and I must have been feeling hungry as there's some herring and potatoes in the corner!
There appear to be four bumblebees in my random selection - I've no idea what that's all about, but I seem to like 'em!2009 was a busy year in terms of new designs and just trying to keep up to speed with everything in the world of 'crafty' business enterprise in general! This year I plan to slow down a bit and concentrate on more 'one-off' designs, have some fun with fabric (I'm thinking of returning to doll-making but more in terms of 'art-dolls' which I find very exciting!), perhaps work on slightly smaller pieces, and in general make life a little easier for myself!
My own website is back up and running - hooray! I have a couple of new ideas for products, but mostly I will keep it much as it is with a variety of Harris Tweed 'gift ideas' on offer. My two Etsy shops are in various stages of transition - Tweed Plush is in the process of being restocked this month as I want to keep it looking fresh with some new products rather than continuing with the entire selection of last year's stock (I may have a sale however of older stock!). I hope to keep a variety of some of my favourite items eg. bag charms, etc. in stock. Tweed Delights has a small variety of home decor gifts as before and more to follow I hope - I would like to keep this shop as traditional as possible for those who enjoy the pure, unadulterated beauty of Harris Tweed! I know there are a number of you out there!
OK, let the crafting commence - I'm up for it, are you? :)