Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy New Year (and a little bit of crafty chaos!)

Well, my blog posts now seem to be on a monthly basis - that's shocking! Hope everyone had a lovely festive season - my laptop decided to become 'ill' in the last couple of weeks leading up to Christmas so I decided it was best to 'back away' from it before it exploded in a dramatic finale!

Still trying to find my 'crafty feet' and swaying from a very positive statement of "yes, that's it - I'm all done with this 'tweedie' nonsense" to a little tentative "well, maybe just a little bit, when I have time . . . now and again!!". On the practical front, my lack of crafting space has to dictate that whatever I continue to make will have to be on a much reduced basis. 'Teenage Son' managed to knock over my er, less than tidy, crafting corner - he appears to have been trying out some new climbing gear he acquired over the festive period - as if my little Hebridean Home isn't TINY enough as it is, I now have a teenager attempting to climb the walls - sheeesh!!! (He did have the grace to tell me - "Er, Mum, I knocked over 'some' of your crafting stuff" - understatement of the year!!!)

(Personally, I will probably not need the aid of climbing equipment myself, as I will most likely take quite naturally to climbing the walls without any assistance, over the period of a long, dark, Hebridean Winter indoors - aaaaaaargh!!)

Anyhow, I happened to glance at the ensuing mess of fabric, notions and 'such like' and thought what a shame it would be not to see that again! I do however need to completely cut back on the amount and range of crafting I will be doing - no more custom orders or 'made-to-order' items for the time being, just the fun stuff!! And on that note, I now have to tackle my 'tax return' over the next couple of weeks, and tidy my crafting area of all the unecessary junk! - declutter, declutter, declutter - this will be my new 'mantra' for January!

Cheerio an Drasda and Happy New Year! (or Bliadhna Mhath Ur as we say here!)


Ruth said...

Let's hope the whole year doesn't feel like climbing a mountain! Look forward to hearing how your year pans out with work and tweed and art and Hebridean life! Hope it's a great one for you and yours.

Marion said...

Good to hear your blogging voice again, Alison.
If crafting isn't such a financial necessity (if you are still working longer hours at the office), then why not treat it as "me" time and do things for youe own pleasure. Who knows what crafting avenue you might find yourself going down if you aren't constrained by time and cost to make it financially viable.
Anyway, here's to 2011. May it bring you (and your family) health, wealth and happiness.
Marion x

Tweed Thoughts said...

Think you're dead right Marion - hoping to take the pleasureable crafting route in 2011!

Have a lovely and creative year :D xx

Janet Metzger, Artist said...

Hello Alison...I too seem to be way behind in my blog much has happened in my life these last few months...mostly sad, but I am slowly coming back to life. Time heals all is what I am told...I am about to test that theory.
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Janet xox

june at noon said...

Welcome back, and happy new year! I was just wondering about you the other day.... :) Enjoy whatever crafty time strikes your fancy--that's more important anyway!

Biba said...

Lovely to have you back! Happy 2011!

Florcita said...

Im so glad to be able to read you again! You mad eme laugh with the climbing teenager!

I hope you decide to stick to your tweedy works... they are lovely and unique!