Monday, 30 May 2011

Sneak Preview and a Craftshow

I've been a busy bee over the weekend - scheming, plotting, making - you know the kind of thing! Not particularly in that order, but one thing kinda led to the other . . . (BTW 'Little S'seems to have broken the spacebar on my laptop, so if my words start to jumble together, you'll know why!) The 'making' bit sort of led to the 'scheming/plotting' bit - after a successful attempt at making a new 'tweedie' item on Saturday, I got the idea into my head that if I was going to build up stock, I really needed a bit of an incentive or goal. One thing led to another and before I knew it I was e-mailing to make enquiries about local craft fairs - before I knew it I was booked into a Summer craft fair . . . way over on the other side of the island!

Well the 'plotting' bit was really about haggling with my 'Other Half' to get him to agree to drive me to and fro on the day - I must admit I did make a VERY nice fish/seafood pie for the dinner -it's all 'give and take' isn't it, hehe! The craft fair is in about 7 weeks time which should just about give me time to build up enough stock for a stall. Well at least I'll get to use my 'tweedie' banner I made last year - would be a shame to have it unused all year :) Who knows if it will be a successful fair - but it will get me started again and maybe lead to one or more later in the year. Getting back to the 'brass tacks' of displaying (or even 'selling' if I'm REALLY lucky!) at a craft fair event is quite appealing at the moment. Just straightforward making stuff and letting folks see them up close, and maybe having a chat about crafting - sounds quite pleasant. It will also be quite terrifying as I haven't done one for almost a year - yikes!!

Above and below pics show a sneaky preview of some stuff I've been playing around with over the weekend. I must say that LOTS of enjoyment was had in making both items - I'm all fired up to make more, I hope the boys enjoyed that fish pie - it might be a happy, distant memory for some weeks - it'll be Pot Noodles and egg 'n chips while I'm doing all that stock-building . . . if they're lucky!!

Happy Monday :)


Biba said...

Can't wait to see the whole thing!

Janet Metzger, Artist said...

Hey Alison,
How exciting!! Keep us posted on the details please.

Janet xox

june at noon said...

I can't wait to see what you're up to. Good luck with the stocking up!

Claire said...

Hey Alison well done on booking in to the Craft Fair. I'm sure you'll do a roaring trade, your makes are fabulous.

So nice to be able to use your banner it looks great.

Seven weeks will give you heaps of time to sew up a storm, go for it.

Claire :}