Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Must be Love!

Making my wedding cushions must have had a strange effect on me! I had a little remnant of that gold chord piping left over, so couldn't resist making a little pincushion in the gorgeous white tweed. I had a notion for using a little hand embroidery, some of my precious stash of bronze buttons, and a little piece of ribbon (someone might recognise it!!) - I just wanted to make something 'off the cuff' and unplanned - very enjoyable!

I managed to snap my best sewing needle in two yesterday (you'd think I'd have a huge stash of them!) - I always find one I really like and then use it to death! So today, I'm taking it as a sign to chill out and take it easy - what a lame excuse, hehe!!

Maybe the beginning of a new range of pincushions - who knows?, but I popped this one into my Etsy shop this morning - it's here :)


Janet Metzger, Artist said...

Oh Alison...it's lovely...well done, now take a break ;-)

june at noon said...

Very nice. I often find myself spun off into a secondary project after a first one goes well. It's a blessing and a curse together. :) Hope you get some rest now!

Biba said...

Oh, it's ever so sweet! Great idea!

Swirlyarts said...

Oooooh I like!

Biba said...

Hi Alison,

Here's the instructions for the art swap, finally! It's taken me a while to get people together. I hope you're in!


Make one work of art/craft and send it to the person whose name is listed in the #1 position below.

Franca Eirich
65 Montgomery Street
Edinburgh EH7 5HZ

Mojca Masterl Stefanic
Turjasko naselje 6
1330 Kocevje

Contact 6 other friends/bloggers and invite them to participate in this art swap. Let them know that they just need to send out one piece of art. It can be a little drawing, a print, a comic or a zine, a photo, a felted creation; whatever fits your niche and mood, and can be dropped in the mail within a week or two.

Once they agree to participate
delete the name and address listed on #1, replace it with #2's details ( in this case my details... ), then list your name and address under position #2.
Send it out as an email to them (just like this email I'm sending you now)

That's it and have fun!


Florcita said...

aawwww this is such a sweet little thing!