Trying to photograph it proved as much of a challenge as making it - I have them in mind for being used in some swanky Scottish ancestral home with large expanses of wooden flooring, beautiful panelled doors etc. My, ahem, slightly less, swanky little Hebridean home, with barely enough room to swing a cat, never mind two children, proved a challenge for photographing it! So, I resorted to the great outdoors - which we have in bucketfuls!
This tweed is super-duper gorgeous and I've been resisting cutting into it (my stockpiles are slowly diminishing, now that the local mill in Stornoway has ceased to operate), but I thought it would be just the job and I'm really pleased with how it looks. I had a lovely conversation today with a local Harris Tweed weaver who is selling his own tweed independently which is very exciting, so there's hope for the old industry yet! I was told about him at the craft fair, so there you go!I'm off to find a more swanky house to photograph my 'draught excluder' - know any nice castles I can rumble??
I will be making these available on my own website, as and when I make them (perhaps when the weather gets a bit cooler!)
Cheerio an Drasda!