Monday, 8 March 2010


Feels like spring has arrived here today! Hope everyone had a good weekend. My tweedie 'bumblebee' was featured in this lovely BnR (Buy and Replace?) treasury created by Scottish Princess. Here's the link:

Now if I was feeling clever I would post a screenshot of it, but alas this morning I can't for the life of me remember how to do it! Doh :)!

Happy Monday :)


Janet Metzger, Artist said...

What the heck is a BNR??? I see it all the time on Etsy. Love the blue is blue here as well. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog...Have a great day Alison.
your friend,

june at noon said...

Check out those blue skies! We're starting to see signs of spring too, although not warm enough yet. Did you get a new avatar photo?

Tweed Thoughts said...

I did! Thought it was time for an update :) New haircut for Spring, hehe!